Blueprint personal documentation possible?


I’m fairly certain this isn’t a feature but thought I would ask. Is there any way to get a list of all my blueprints, and the functions listed inside of them?

What I would like to do is keep a reference for myself as my project is beginning to grow. I just want to have a list of each class, and the functions inside that class. That way I can leave myself notes, almost like my own personal wiki to my game project.

I’m assuming I will have to go through and actually get the names and function names myself. If there was a way to export them though that would be very very awesome and save me a lot of time!


Hey, are you trying to create your own library?

Not exactly. I know about using blueprint libraries. I mostly just wanted a way to grab everything I’ve created and what functions are on them. This way I could keep track of what has references to other things, and if I have the same functionality split up in different locations.

I want to organize my project better as well as keep a reference to things, since some of these systems are implemented and won’t be touched on again for quite some while. I know I could leave myself notes using comments but it just seemed like a good idea for me to store this somewhere else rather than clutter my game.

If you want to re use code, just use classes :stuck_out_tongue: Like when I code games in As3/ or C# unity, I use classes, this is where inheritance and all that other crap (excuse my French) comes into place. This means I’m not duplicating code, especially with function inputs and out puts.

I like visual scripting in UE4. and how I keep organized, is just by making functions, macros, and different event graphs. You can always make a child blue print. So If you have a blue print car with public variables like speed, you can create two childs, and set their speed different.

Hope this kinda helps.

Did you tried using Favorites in “Window->Pallate”?

And variues decriptions can be added in propeties of varables and functions if i’m not mistaken

Thanks. I’m actually a programmer by day lol. I have blueprint inheritance in a bunch of my systems, like inventory and it’s all working. I just like to keep a map of how everything works because it helps me recognize any mistakes and helps keep my head a little clearer. I’ll probably just look and create a list since I don’t think there is any way to get a list of them all from the engine.

Not exactly what I had in mind…but omg why didn’t I know there was a favorites window!? This is going to speed things up so much! :slight_smile: Thank you very much!