Blueprint of Multiple Object grouped inside a grouping_Blueprint?

I have an original Object, which was made within a blueprint. so technically a blueprint. (for object collision coding)

now, what if i want to have a group blue print, which includes multiple copies of the original blueprint? How do I do this, so each of the original objects(blueprints), retain there events on there own without changing.

I’ve tried this a couple ways, but it grouped all objects into one object. started spinning the group instead other original object on its own…

I’d like to be able to create groups of clusters , of an original object, so i can quickly add them in as a template. or do i have to add in each of the original object separately.

Also, side question, is there a way to automatically set the height when snapped to the ground for each object, from the ground? end button gives me the ground, but i want it to be X height off the ground?

Perhaps an AI controller?

Child actors.
But its a horrible idea really…
Should only be done by an expert and in a controlled fashion…


explain ?

that’s pretty much what i did, but it didn’t behave in the fashion you would think it should. basically looking for a way to group a cluster of objects into a blue print, but it decides on it’s own how to treat the dependents, which it messed up. is there a way to retain the original blueprint properties, but set location for a group of objects (should be rather simple) ?

Not sure what you are doing so hard to say.

Try creating a bluetilty script on a blurpint that just places instances which you already set in the level in the grouped pattern you wish to have.

I’d probably do something like selected objects being processed and arranged at a secondary location driven by the positioning of the bluetility script blueprint…

AI controllers can set behaviors for groups of actors of the same class or varying, there’s many easy to follow tutorials on YouTube on how to set them up, bundling then all into one class BP the engine will treat them like one actor, I suppose it would be doable to create a class that controls many instances of another object, but that just sounds like a lot of work and would probably be a less memory/cpu efficient way to do this, where the engine already has an AI controller system in place to handle things like this

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A blueprint of blueprints is pretty standard - the AI controller adds complexity that’s probably not required or needed here.

This is normally called a “manager” generally used for Tick Aggregation (aka: TickManager)
And depending on what you are doing it may actually be a “Required” thing anyway - which contrary to what you said is actually Less Memory/CPU and often just “Best Practice” compared to Ai Controllers.

It all depends - stuff like characters moving about? Ai Controllers.
Stuff like drawers opening at random intervals in a horror like scene? Tick manager.

so i tried doing the blueprint of blueprints. but it considers each of the dependent blueprints the same object , instead of each object within retaining its own unique identity. (hence a destroy actor, destroys all of the same actors)

is there another way to set a standard spacing for objects (looking to create 'stamps, and multiple stamps) so i can throw the 3d objects into a scene quickly at a specific spacing…

Shift alt drag with a selection should give you duplicated objects you can drag that keep the current spacing.
Even with foliage, which is how you make fields with rows of stuff.

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