Seems that this problem has different faces, that are a bit long to explain, but they are nice related in this forum thread:
As a resume: The basic problem is that you get nodes that sudently breaks themselves, and are not recoverable never, you will be forced to allways that you restart the UE4 delete them and add them again.
Sometimes it gets worst, because if you delete the problematic nodes and you make a work around to avoid this cast/variable from other BP, you will start geting more errors ramdomly, in other casts or event in custom events.
It will break too even if you package your game, so to keep deleting and adding those nodes manually on the development process it not an option, because at the very end it wont be compiled.
For sure, migrate project files to another project and even copy paste the nodes into new BPs doesnt work, the problem is persistent.
Im uploading my project files for you to test because it seems its a difficult to reproduce problem, Ill add them here and on this forum thread.
Sorry if you dont understand somethink, just tell me and Ill try to explain It better.
+1, I’m facing the same node disconnection issues and occasional “internal compiler error” issues. This is in addition to character blueprint corruption have made it pretty much impossible for me to progress in my project.
I’m currently using 4.4.3 although I’m upgrading to 4.5 right now and will report back once I’ve migrated and tested my project.
Edit: I have migrated to 4.5, this seems to have fixed my issues. My character blueprints are no longer corrupt and I’ve not seen any disconnected nodes so far. Previously problematic macros/cast to nodes no longer seem to corrupt/crash the editor. I will report back to this thread if at all I see these issues in 4.5
Which blueprints are you primarily having trouble with? I see resource base and building base, are there any others that seem to be experiencing this error? Does this occur on a blank project with no additional content?
Thanks for your speed reply, Im only experiencing the issue on this 2 blueprints.
I made 2 blank projects and migrated the content, did not tested without having the assets and meshes content as I dont think that they have any relation
In BuildingBase, the broken cast node was an array before, which was the first issue I got.
If you take a look on the event receive interaction you will see a pin that is called “resource actor” well, in the initial fail this node had not exist, and the pin actor was of type “MyCharacter” in order of pawn, so from this node I was geting the array “CarryedActors”(which is on MyCharacter BP) to get his lenght , this “get array” was what started the first crash
PD: Note that I dont know why, but sometimes the editor crashes on closed, or it takes to long, and when reopnening it (apart of the broken nodes) I get my static mesh components from WoodWall and LittleHouse Blueprints reparented to the main parent, in order of be where I placed them (some meshes parented to “RealMeshes” and others to “HollowMeshes”
I am happy to hear you are no longer experiencing this issue. I will mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If the problem persists, please comment here with updated information.
Sorry for disturbing you again but the problem turned, yesterday all was ok, I continued developing the project and finished almost all the building system but today I opened the editor and it suddenly crashed because the startup map had placed a “BuildingBase” descendant, so the blueprint looks like this:
Im uploading the latest project and adding it here for you to test
PD: I think that now the problem is just that the event receive interaction had changed the input “instigator pawn” from “MyCharacter_C” to “Pawn”
Anyway is still a bug, Ill continue testing if there are somethink more
PD2: It seems that this doesnt happens allways I restart the editor, maybe only when I restart the PC? idk
PD3: I must say that this was the first bug I got in the first report of this bug, was later when I tried to make a work around when I got the disconnecting casts
Sorry for the delay, Ill be uploading the project soon, but right now this seems a minor problem, not like the old one
I cant see any pattern for this to occur, it just happens when I open by first time UE4, or when I open it after a time with it closed.
Moreover, when I first open it, and I try to open the map with the “corrupted” BP, engine crashes, but on next run all is solved, including the broken links