"Blueprint Multiplayer" Video Series is teaching a lot of wrong things

Sooo many people say this tutorial is wrong, but no one is set out to make tutorial that is correct and current :rolleyes:

Howdy folks – We’ve developed a few new resources for multiplayer programming.

  • New Overview page. This contains a condensed rundown of how server-client gameplay works as well as guidelines about how to use all the different replication tools.
  • New Quick Start Guide. This is a walkthrough of how to create some simple network gameplay with the Third Person template, adding a projectile and damage.

While the QuickStart is pretty modest in scope (it is supposed to be “quick”), both of these are written with input from our networking team regarding best practices from our own projects, and they should provide some much-requested insight into what replication method is most suitable and when, as well as what functionality in our templates already replicates. Updating the video tutorial series is on our radar after a few more documentation updates, but in the meantime, I hope these will be helpful. :slight_smile:

**Edit: **I will add that the QuickStart is focused on C++ rather than blueprints!

I just watched the series three times in this week and followed it but my project always end up with lots of issues or completely breaks. Only now I realize this post and ■■■■ I wish I saw it before. Anyway, I appreciate all the work done into this tutorials and I really wish a new series coming out to teach us the right way.
you’re a legend. many thanks for the post.
@ I double that. I wish if people who know better would jump in and create a tutorial series.
I may suggest that a maybe two people come together and create the series. Maybe one will do UI videos only other will do Blueprint videos?

Many thanks

Ugh!.. Really? I actually shied away from other tutorials out there since this one was from Epic. Figured I’d go with “from the horse’s mouth”. Oh, well… I’ve learned some things for sure. Now, I guess I’m off to the abyss… gonna go wander around in the desert for a while.

It’s not up to the community to fix this.

As a new game designer, I want to say thank you for creating the tutorial series. But also to ‘’ for his great insights into why I am having trouble with the tutorial. I have been able to get everything to work, EXCEPT for one thing. I can not get the information from the PlayerInfo Structure to the ConnectedPlayer Widget. A basically blank listing appears to show the someone has connected, but no name or information of any kind. Can anyone please give me an idea how to fix this? The savegame works fine though, so the PlayerInfo structure is working. Please Help.

Just a quick message…
I first went through this tutorial well over a year ago, and could never get it to work… imagine that… anyway I grew frustrated and moved on to other things in my game…
A couple of months ago, I came back to this and found this thread.
I decided to give it another try, after reading the network compendium and all of the other comments here. I have tried to use best practices as described in Cedrik’s work, and have taken lots of notes…
Currently, I’m about 20 videos in and have everything working thus far… You don’t even want to know how many times I re-read the information I could find and how many tries it took to get player cards working… There are still lots of things I don’t quite understand, but I have a much better handle on it now than when I started.
Anyway, in the next week, I should have this all done… I’ve been adding a few things (like steam avatars) that are easier to do now (thanks to advanced steam sessions plugin), and I’m going to make this available to. I’ll also put up all of my notes after I get them transcribed (might take a few days for that… my writing is barely legible).
Right now I do have a couple of errors that keep cropping up, and after I post the project, I’ll try to get them ironed out…(.maybe somebody here can help with that).
Also, I have moved a few of the events to put them more in line with Cedrik’s notes…I have also un-replicated many, many things…
hopefully, we can hammer out the last few issues and get a working project template up for all to take a look at, or to start out with…


I know this request is a couple of months old, but since this is one of the items I had the most issues with, and continue to have errors over…

First of all, I color code serverside calls tan and clientside blue to remind me where the code is taking place.

After taking a look at this, I decided to break the call up and then replicate a variable to handle it…It basically goes like this-

  1. LobbyGm calls AddPlayerInfo from the serverside of LobbyPC.

  2. AddPlayerInfo - serverside lobbyPC- saves the player info to a replicated variable array allConnectedPlayers (to make it available for the client), then calls the new event addingPlayerInfo - clientside lobbyPC.

  1. Clientside lobbyPC- AddingPlayerInfo takes its reference to the lobbyMenu, checks its validity, delays if it doesn’t have it yet, clears the player list, and then loops the info through to fill in the connectedPlayer widgets. I do have to warn you, that while this appears to work on my project it throws a couple of errors I haven’t been able to get rid of yet. These are always getting a value of none for the lobby menu ref… can’t seem to figure that one out, since the client creates the ref right after it creates the menu… When I didn’t have the delay, it happened 3 times as often. If you figure that one out let me know… That error is driving me nuts.

A couple of other notable things… first of all lobby menu ref probably shouldn’t be replicated… i was just trying it out to see if it helped. (It did not.) Secondly The clients connected Player widgets didn’t fill in until I marked the clientside event as multicast… I thought it should just be “run on owning client”, but for some odd reason it didn’t work. also if I mark it as reliable, it doesn’t work. The funny thing though is that marked as “run on owning client”, while it doesn’t fill in the list, it also doesn’t throw any errors. go figure…:confused: also if not replicated, doesn’t work, and throws errors.

****** update*****No more errors! :slight_smile: … If I increase the delay to 20 seconds, (might be able to go shorter, though i tried 2 seconds and that didn’t work) while I didn’t notice a delay personally while testing… seemed to work… everything populated as expected with no errors. I personally tried several times. I also un-marked lobby menu ref as replicated.

anyway, good luck… and if anybody has any ideas, please let me know.

Just Realized that there is ! more piece of information to get it all to work…
I was getting the cards to work and wasn’t getting any errors, but the images in the cards were blank even though the names were there. after some playing around I happened to change the bindings from the variables of SelectedCharacterImage andAvatarImage to the outputs of the split sPlayerInfo …m I also set a default image on each… don’t know if that changed anything or not…
But It worked…

Ok, I finally have it. The updated project file I have made (with different menus and a few other changes) is complete. I finished going through the last video last night and zipped up my project file to share.
You can find it at the site I just started for my game dev. … Purgatorydev.comin the downloads section under ue4.
I’m going to be putting in a forum there for discussion of anything that needs to be adjusted or fixed in the file. Over the next month or so I expect to get the documentation done (which is mainly a transcription of my notes).
My plan with this is to put up a series of posts that make an easy to follow along set of directions and suggestions for each of the videos, so that anyone can follow the series, and then adjust what needs to be changed to keep their projects working.:cool:

Checking it all out now! Sounds great!

sorry just saw this… I just tried it out, and had no problems downloading for me… let me see if I can find somewhere else to throw it up also…

just added a google drive link on my download page for those having issues.

Just had another user post images in Unreal Slackers, littered with stuff that this tutorial series teaches.

When are you finally going to redo this tutorial, Epic? Or at least take this one offline?

isn’t it embarrassing that this exists on your official YouTube channel for like what, 7 years already? People literally learn that you have trouble using your own Engine.