I am trying to implement the Blueprint based Multiplayer Project witch will be using the Steam Subsystem. Basically I created Host, Find and Join Session functions and turn settings in the game’s DefaultEngine.ini witch should be enough to play with your friend by internet on Steam server (according to this official tutorial ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlv_N0_O1gYqSlbGQVKsRg6fpxWndZqZ ) and many others). However it’s not working. Not I nor my friend can join each other hosted games. Although I am able to join my own host session witch is weird and should not be (again, according to official tutorial). To get that result I should host the game in the first game window, then host again in the second window and only in the third I can join to seconds window server, witch is twice as weird… Tested it in versions 4.12 and 4.11. The results were all the same.
Here’s was I think:
- There is some problem with Steam server for developers (I’ve trying to fix that problem in about a week, so I guess steam would fix that problem for that time)
- Maybe I should install latest Steam SDK? Because 4.12 and 4.11 including not the last version of it for some reason.
Does anybody else have or had that problem? If so, how did you fix that? Thanks for any info.