My player pawn is a blueprint called BP_Plane. The pawn has a blueprint member variable LaserWeapon, which is a subclass of Actor. I have the following code in my event graph for BP_Plane:
The two print functions before and after the LaserWeapon function print their output correctly. On the left, you can see the LaserWeapon variable.
Inside the LaserWeapon Print Test function:
The strange thing is that I’ve placed a print function inside of the constructor of LaserWeapon and it appears to not be getting called during the instantiation of BP_Plane. If I set a break point on the Print Test function inside of the BP_Plane scene graph then it stops correctly. If I place it at the beginning of the Print Test function inside of LaserWeapon then the debugger isn’t stopped.
Is there something fundamentally incorrect that I’m doing? I’ve taken a look at [this page][3] but haven’t noticed anything that I’ve done differently.
Just found this, and it looks like it provides a solution to the issue.
That having been said, it feels a little cludgy. What about cases where I don’t want to give a transform to the actor I spawn? For instance, if it’s a class that deals mainly with data and doesn’t need to actually appear in the world.