[Blueprint] Key Mapping

I would love to see native BP support for Key remapping, so that we are not dependent on C++ plugings.

There are tutorials about this that does not require C++. Some new features that came with 4.13 actually allows us to do it.

That doesn’t actually change the Input.ini like with “Get Game Settings”. Can’t be considered native BP support.

I wanted to let you know that this is coming, most likely in 4.17, as my PRs related to this have been accepted. See https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/3490 for most of the changes. Cheers.

To be honest, you can do a custom bp function library in c++ to do thoses functions, it’s not complicated at all and does not require a lot of knowledge in c++

Thats great news! Thanks!

Yes, but the point of Blueprint is that you don’t have to write any line of C++ code. :slight_smile: