After two hours of trying to perform a simple task, I’ve decided to come here. I’m trying to simply make existing light blueprints change their color whenever I want them to. I made a Blueprint Interface and implemented it into the lights. I added the event I needed from the Interface with no problems. Then, I wanted to trigger that event from the Level Blueprint. I implemented the Interface into it, but none of the functions interacted with the lights in any way whatsoever. It turns out I can replicate this problem in brand new projects. Below is the exact process I followed in an attempt to try and make this work somehow. Sorry I couldn’t embed any of them, I was having trouble with inserting an image I forgot to add.
Why are you trying to do this via Blueprint Interfaces instead of Direct Communication? I am not sure why you would do that from the Level Blueprint.
You need to specify a valid Target. Read this on detailed instructions on how to setup a Blueprint Interface. Add the actor references to Level Blueprint and then feed them into Target for the interface call.
That’s real strange. what I missed was the “Context Sensitive” checkbox. The tutorial that I followed said nothing about it. Also, I didn’t know about Direct Communication, since I’ve only started using UE4 a couple days ago.
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