Hello! Thank you for taking the time to look at this question.
I am attempting to get a player health value through an interface so that my HUD blueprint can use it. This is very similar to the Blueprint Hud content example, and I have referenced that every step of the way. However, the value that the pawn holds for health is 100, and the value the interface returns is 0. I’ve followed the content example closely, even comparing each relevant blueprint side-by-side, to make sure this was not an obvious mistake I have made. Regardless, my interface appears to be returning zero.
Perhaps someone with more experience than I can lend assistance? I would be most grateful.
Here is my HUD blueprint.
Print string is printing ‘0’
Here is my pawn’s Player Get Health interface function blueprint.
Here is my interface’s settings for output.
One thing of note: While placing this interface node on my HUD blueprint, I was actually presented with four options, as follows:
I selected the lower right one – The two on the left only accept self references, so I could not select my pawn as a target. The one on the upper right only accepts an interface reference.