A blueprint interface needs a message event to call it. You may need to turn off context sensitivity to see the message node. Make sure the BPI is implemented in both class settings for the player/playercontroller and lightswitch. A message event is shown with the little letter next to pitch call and shows as “pitch call (message)” when I’m creating the node.
Hi! Yes I have called the message event in the Lightswitch_BP. Someone on UE’s Discord told me to print display name of the hit actor. Turns out that I was hitting the wall instead of the switch.
Rather than tracing against everything in the world, you only trace against interactive elements on a channel they respond to. The system is quite granular.
You can add your own channels. Really helps down with the clutter.
another way is to first ask whether the hit actor actually implements the interface so you’re not attempting to send messages to everyone you’re looking at