Blueprint Interface event changing to custom event

So one of my blueprints is having a strange issue. An blueprint interface event called “InformTriggers” turns into a custom with the same name every time I restart the editor. This means every time I start working I must first go in and change this small detail before I can test. I have no idea what is going on, none of my other blueprint interfaces are doing this… Any ideas/workarounds?

Other than this my UE4 experience has been flawless.

It appears to be the name. When it is called “trigger” it does this. When it is called “trap_trigger” it doesn’t. Weird.

Does this occur in a clean project with no additional content?

No clue what happened, but it stopped doing it. I renamed it to “trap_trigger”, deleted the 2kB “trap.uasset” file and then after awhile I named it back to “trigger” and it stopped changing its self.

If anyone else is having this problem, I just ran into it as well. First, I tried closing UE4 and deleting folders: Binaries, Intermediate, Saved.

That didn’t work.

I then just deleted my project folder altogether and re-checked it out from version control. After the complete refresh, my blueprint compiled and loaded correctly.

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Add return node

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