Hey all, I’ve been trying to import custom attack animations to my model using this guide: Animation Montage | Unreal Engine Documentation
I’ve also tried to set up a Blueprint interface (as required in the above guide) to swing my weapon with one anim, then the next, until I release my mouse button.
But I’m a little confused as to how to use the Blueprint Interface correctly. I’ve attached screenshots with what I have so far, but obviously I’m missing something in the Blueprint Interface.
I have made sure both the MyCharacter and Animation Blueprints have the correct interface selected in the properties of each one, and created a custom event in the Interface which I have hooked up both sides (followed a tutorial on youtube as the interfaces aren’t documented on well enough IMO.)
I have also not been able to find out how to hook up loops to a ‘Montage is Playing’ in the character anim blueprint.
I can’t upload any more images because of your restrictions on images. But basically the Interface I have done nothing with other than add custom events. I’m guessing this is where I’m going wrong.