Blueprint : Interact with object to play media video in widget

I am new to UE, please help me understand how can I make an interaction with actor blueprint to play imported wideo in widget? I have already coded in BP first person that i highlight objects in the line of my sight (its realitime highlighting). I have also made my blueprint interface with video animation. I attempt to code: after clicking left mouse button (on highlighted object), the widget (that is relevant to that object) pops up. How do I connect these into working system?
Thanks for your respones in advice.

Do you already have logic set up to determine when the player has clicked the left mouse button?

I made a mistake and that’s why it didnt work, i solved it thanks :wink:

Ok, it turns out that it doesn’t work unfortunately.
Here is my logic for highliting and selecting actors:

And then I want to click on selected actor with left mouse button to trigger my Onclicked event in actor.

But I dont know how to open ,whats inside my actor"

Everything worked fine when I had one widget and one animation and It looked like this:

But I have 9 different actors (but same class) and each of them is supposed to show another interface with different animation.
Please help <3