blueprint input doesnt working

hello my friends.
im working on a tank project and im using the instructions from vehicle in ue4 tutorials. i did something like below but it didnt really work and vahicle doesnt moveUntitled.png

the version i work is a little diffrent for wheels but i dont think it is relevant. and car doesnt move at all.
thank you for helping

First question would be, are your InputAxis Events triggered? Did you setup your Input settings correctly?


if you mean edit-> project settings->input there is just one setup for buttons like scale. what setup should i made more?

There should be mappings there for MoveForward and MoveRight, otherwise the InputAxis will never be forwarded to your blueprint.

See for some information.


thank you andy and i swear that i made the same thing explained there. i dont know really is this because of physics or input behavior. i really dont know.

Make a breakpoint in your blueprint at SetThrottleInput. If you now start your game in the editor and try to move forward, do you hit that breakpoint or does nothing happen?

If you dont hit the breakpoint, you didnt setup the Inputs correct. Maybe post a shot of your InputMappings in Project->Input ?


sorry for asking again but how you put breakpoint in blueprint and how you test it in game. thank you

Right-Mouse-Click the upper left corner of the “SetThrottleInput” Node and click on “Add Breakpoint” (or “set breakpoint”, not exactly sure). When you then play your game in editor and press your keys to move forward, the game should pause automatically and you should see that the breakpoint you’ve set is active.

If nothing like that happens, then you got a problem with your input settings, if you hit the breakpoint, something else is fishy.


thank you alot

but problem didnt fixed. :(( it shows esception in every node. i dont know what is the problem. is it because my ue4 version is very first one and there is a lot of bugs there?

when i put a breakpoint on moveforward node it shows a red pointer on it. what a bug is on it/ how can i setup that?

That of course didnt fix anything, it should just help you find the problem. The red dot means, that there is a breakpoint now.

What do you mean with it shows exception in every node? Can you make a screenshot of it? Can you also post a screenshot of your inputsettings?

as you can see if i put a break piont on input node screen turns black.
and after clicking step it turns like below:

as you can see if i put a break piont on input node screen turns black.
and after clicking step it turns like below:

oops. sorry for bad image uploading but i think you can se how it looks

Excellent, so you definitely hit the breakpoint which means that your controls are generally working.

I didnt play around yet with vehices though, i will have a look at it as soon as i’m on my UE4 machine.

what i really think is its a bug and its from the version i work. i hope that it is not my fault