[Blueprint] How to return to the last camera position in different cases?

Good day.

My game have two modes, “Top down” and “3rd person” toggle with a key.

Now, when i click on an object, it will " set view target with blend".

I want it to “return to” respective camera ( return to last position of “Top down” cam when i click the object in “Top down mode”, vice versa).

What should i look into?

Thank you!

You can just blend back to the player camera?

How are you doing the camera on the object?

I have tried just now, and no, it is not working.

Current setup, three blueprints (related to the camera)
A: Top down
B: 3rd person
C: Item focused camera

They all have their own camera

In either A or B mode, i press Q, it will “set view with blend” to Bp C’s location.

Now, the problem is, by blend back to player camera, the cam is then blended to C’s cam instead of A or B.

If the setup it self is wrong (which is most likely, but i am just a 3D designer), please suggest some direction i can look into.

(BTW, A or B is not just a difference of camera, they have different controls as well as behaviour).

It sounds like the cameras are all in the player?

That will cause problems with the blend. I think you might be able to get the right camera, by setting it active first, and then blending, but maybe not.

Are these all separate players / blueprints? Can you outline the setup?

hope this helps.
Blue/ green means they are in the same blueprint, function-wise.

Simply put it, every BP you see here have their own camera.
Every BP you see here is separated.

After all the figuring out “conditions” and compare and stuff…

All you need is this… and it will magically pop back to the respective camera…

3 hours wasted…

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Ok, what did you have before? :smiley:

I have already deleted that part so i cannot show you the mess.

But basically trying to:

  1. sequence the Q key to more than just switching the game mode
  2. press Q key change mode, sequence, and try to compare the current camera to the 3rd person and top down
  3. whoever’s returns true will blend to the respective location

basically a real dumb way to try achieving the goal…

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