Blueprint: Helpful BP Functions

Got it working thanks! I have to figure out the technicalities of it (for example when I change the isActorInRange variable you called “MonsterDectionRange” or something to the 14000 i had it makes the radar very very tiny and pick up all enemy pawns. If I make it 500 it only picks up very very close ones, but they are drawn way out on the edges of the screen. Then I gotta figure out how to draw shapes other than just a small square and I will have a perfect starter system for my world map that shows the ships and what direction htey are heading in.

Hey , on the (Multiline Message Box) when you (Cast to RPG_StateSystem), to whom are you cast to? Is it a BP actor,character? And is there something on that BP?
And thank you for share, much apreciated!

Just started Maya LT and needed an exporter similar kinda to the Batch Exporter for MAX that will export the meshes and associated UCX collision to separated FBX files Using the naming convention of the object itself. Finally, I reposition the objects back to a programmed spacing. (You can remove that if you want I just used that to reorganize my scene). Also I am assuming that the Pivot of the UCX shares the same offset as the pivot from the base mesh to keep everything aligned properly:

Please note you only have to select the base mesh and none of the UCX meshes associated with the mesh.

Hope it helps some ppl.

Download Mel Script: KM_ExportEachToFBX.mel

Modified the ucx_box_collision_tool_00 for 3DS Max to get the name of the mesh that you are making UCX’s from:

Line 94 change it to look like this. Now your Col boxes wont be UCX_Collision Hul every tiem you generate one.

UCX BOX Collision Tool for 3DS Max

Also to adapt the pivot location.

the_box.pivot = selection[1].pos --< Used to adapt the pivot to the source object
the_box.wireColor = (color 255 0 255 )

Unreal Engine 4 : Follow Spline Path and Detect Point Interaction :

Project here:

4.8 Terrain To Spline Alignment


I’ll have to take a look at that.

[FONT=Segoe UI][COLOR=windowtext]Converting Personal C++ Classes and Third Party libs tools into a Portable Custom Plugin. Simply explained. (Hopefully)
[FONT=Segoe UI][COLOR=windowtext]UE4 4.9

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]From the editor open Edit and Select Plugin.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Select new Plugin.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Since this will be just a collection of classes and libs select blank and give it a name.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Under project in the plugins window you can find your plugin. Edit it and give it all the desired info.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]In your project you can find a plugins folder, open this and go to the desired plugin folder and locate the [Plugin name]PrivatePCH.h file.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]If like me your objects are blueprintable classes and objects that operate in the editor if you simply add your class to the private folder you will get errors on compile to avoid this I needed to add the following (Credit to Eduard Gelbling for helping through that brick wall):

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  • [FONT=Segoe UI]You might not need all of these but in my case I have extended so much of the other objects that I needed all of these.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Now you can place your files into the private folder, prefable in grouped folders ordered by functionality vs a massive file dump of classes.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Changes needed to get a good compile:

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]In the Cpp file where before you had a include to your [main project name].h you want to replace this with: include “RPGEngineToolKitPrivatePCH.h”

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]In the header file for your class where you had the API macro on the front of your class IE: class RPGSYSTEM_DEMO_API ABuildingModGen : public AActor

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Change this to class ABuildingModGen : public AActor

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]To add a third party lib to your project in my case SQLite3 (I know its built in now but I’ve seen some horror stories so I’ll use my own integration for now)

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]In the main folder you want to modify your Build.cs Add this to the top of your Moduar rules class before the constructor:

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[FONT=Segoe UI]

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]This will help us get the path for our third party folder.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]At the end of the constructor we can add a call to our function that will load our third party libs and header files.

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  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Next we add the function to load the correct directories:

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  • [FONT=Segoe UI]From here we can add a ThirdParty folder in the main plugin directory:

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Unreal Projects[ProjectName]\Plugins[PluginName]

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]In this third party folder you can add any desired thirdparty libs.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Just make sure that you add the new paths to the build.cs file so it can include all headers and libs needed for your tools.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]This last step might not be needed but it helps build all the folder paths into the solution for you. Go to you main project path and right click the .uproject and select Generate Visual Studio project files.

  • [FONT=Segoe UI]Open the editor and compile. There should be no errors as long as these classes worked before you added them to your plugin folder.

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[FONT=Segoe UI][COLOR=windowtext]Hope this was simple enough for everyone.
[FONT=Segoe UI]

Nice BP collection!

For me your radar BP isn’t working correctly. Try to be near object that is visible on the radar and rotate. I recreated your blueprint step by step. You have the same issue?
Video: (left top corner)

I’m about to recreate that in UMG but it looks like the offsets are being calculated incorrectly. check the results of the X and Y offsets that you get from the calculation of the rotation and the distance from the player. looks like its missing the Y offset in the calculations or vice versa - PS love the tutorials. I need to sit down and look through them one day esp the wall crawling spiders part.

Thanks! You are doing great job as well! You can check my radar here : UE4 Tips: Plug and Play Radar | Shooter Tutorial maybe it will be helpful!


Special thanks to Omnicypher for pointing me in this direction. Took me a good minute to piece this all together but I’m glad I have it working now. Hopefully this can speed up some peoples research.

Using dynamically generated SQL query to create a drop down settings for your blueprint object using FDataTableRowHandle and UDataTable.

This basically uses the FDatatableRowHandle to drive blueprint customization options vs typing in event ids and item ids for NPC logic loading or items awarded you can just query your database and select the desired data you want for this setting.

Thank you very much for your work @ your splinelink is still down.
When Mega is complaining about something, could you not please use another hoster for that?

You know i fixed the issue with Mega but forgot to upload all the things. Might take me a minute to get back to that

Answered a question on how to make a drop down selection menu in the details panel using C++ and Datatables:


Awesome , thanks for sharing

No prob i just hope it helps some

Just created a cool Odometer Material with a LED Stepper parameter as well.


So i was working on a new test for my party display and i really wanted the effect from Photoshop to get into UE4 so I made one that’s pretty close and wanted to share. The solo pic is from photoshop the other is in UMG. I hope it helps some, Blueprint Pastebin: Gradiant HP Bar posted by shoiko | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine 4