Cool ill try that
Please let me know if its not working for you. BTW, I’m very interested in the Clutter Spawn-er BP. I would like to use it to create Corpse Parts Piles that represent Monster Generators in my Zombie Survival FPSRPGRTS.
Added code let me know if it paste’s correctly I did not know this could be done. Pretty handy.
Thanks for BP Code. I’ll set it up tonight. Variables names Get/Set dont copy over with the cut/paste code method, thus an complimentary screenshot is recommended. One will have to add these manually, but, it beats setting up all the BP nodes from scratch.
You can right click on the variable node and say create var
Hi . I’m stuck in the Lightening BP code at the moment and have not put the Clutterspawn to work yet. I’ve been following your work on the RPG Engine port from Torque 3D to Unreal Engine 4 WIP. I’m a visual person myself and like the illustrations and diagrams. I was curious about your approach to implementing Character Attributes and Statistics.
That aspect i’ve got a small issue on and i will have to experiment with my dammage calc in general mugh less add in things like elemental balancing. Currently the growth rate of my current algorithm is too great. when you level up 1 level you go from 10 hits to kill to 2-3 hits to kill.
Hi ,
Created the ClutterSpawn Blueprint, now just have to figure out how to add meshes. Thanks again for this awesome BP Function! You’re officially in the Projekt Frankiestein Monster’s Appendix.
Drop an instance on the field and go to the details panel. Go to the mesh array and add elements.
Casting Help
How did you do the “Cast to AIMob”? Is that a class you made?
Great list! It’s difficult to maintain with a Forum thread format, this stuff would be great on a Wiki or something similar. I’ve approved the link on the ZEEF page as well.
I do not know how to add anything to a wiki is there a guide?
Bump for new people.
Awesome Works .
here you can find guid for adding page to wiki:
I’m going to try to add these to the wiki this week.
You would really be my hero forever if you could:
- Copy and paste all your BP to the site (a kind of , but for BP code)
- Make a list of all these BP on a new page of the UE Wiki
It would be so great to have that page growing with plenty of new BP use cases, organized in categories (Player control, rendering, tools, UI, weapons, etc…), and filled by people like you or Rama !
Do you have a pic of the event graph for the draw radar? I’ve got every function down perfect but dont know how I should be using the materials and calling these functions. Also the mob_ai I skipped that cast, any tips on that?
I set isDetectedActorInRange macro to print “No enemy on radar” if not in range, and it continously prints that. My enemies are just primitive pawns placed around my first person controller with default cubes placed on them so I can see them They Auto possess: player 1, auto possess AI: placed in world or spawned and AI controler class is stock AI controller and they auto receive input: player 1
My event graph just calls goes EventReceiveDrawHud -> DrawRadar() and it draws the radar just fine, but nothing else, well it does draw a small black square in the very corner of the image which is odd I never placed that there in PS.
For “enemies” I get all actors of class ‘Enemy_BP’ which are just pawns turned into blueprints with a cube attached.
I can send you the project in a PM or email.
I compared to Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life and its exactly the same, I was just misssing the construction script part, but added it in to no new effect.
I also re-added in a cast to ‘Enemy_BP’ which is just the standard pawn with a cube mesh attached as I was saying above. That cast works… but I still get “no enemies in range” printed constantly even with 'Enemy_BP’s placed near the player, far away from the player etc.
Heres something interesting though. Under “isDetectedActorInRange” macro, if I set the default value for the EnemyRadarDisantance (what you called MonsterRadarDisntace I think) to around 14000.0f, then It is is range until I move away, and if I move close, then it starts saying out of ranger again. Interesting but not working perfectly.
CurrentEnemyScanDistance (I think you called it CurrentMonsterScanDistance) is set by getting the distance between all enemy of the class you choose to the player pawn. So basically If I set MonsterRadarDistance to 13900.0f then it reads in range “inrange” [thus CompareFloat(currentMonsterScanDistance) is < CompareFloat(monsterRadarDistance). But when I walk back (so I assume then im further from the nearest enemy(monster) its greater than or == 13900 and thus reads not in range.
Thats interesting, but it still doesnt draw the dots. For draw smart texture the ‘Material’ input is of type ‘material instance’ so I have a material thats a green transparent (0.1 value for opaque) material set to ‘Translucent, defaultLit’ for my “base material” then I create a material instance called ‘PlayerID’ using that green translucent material as the parent, I override the blend mode to ‘Opaqe’ so its just a opaque green material.
I do the same for the MonsterID, except red and the same for the radar screen overlay except the parent material for the radar overlay is a texture and then radarover_instanced overrided the blend mode to translucent so we get a instanced material of a radar circle with a transparent background.
Those three materials are plugged in where needed for the draw smart textures.
Actually I can post the project cause its just a test project doesnt have any of our game code, just the public community ocean plugin. 200MB sorry, even with autosaves and backup deleted just the textures from the ocean.
your main issue may be the fact that your scan is fining nothing. When you use Find all actors of class it should find every enemy you have on the field. After that you do a distance detection to see if any are in range. So to break this down in small peices first make sure that you are detecting your NPC actor by making sure that the “Find all actors” actually is finding the right class type, this scan is also why i use a cast to verify that the actor found is the correct type.
Once you verify that, just test to see if u can draw a point on the screen. to make sure the draw function works.
I take that back it looks like it is working for your detection BUTT ur enemy matria is not created so u are drawing NONE materia if you debug and step through then right before the enemies are drawn you have a material for EnemyDotInstanceMat this needs to be set just like you set RadarDynamicInstancedMat When i make my own and set the matreial for enemy to it i now get dots on my screen. But they draw black. It is black because you cant use lit material settings for GUIs you have to change them to unlit and use the emmisive or you could use emmisive of the default lit but otherwise yeah everything is gonna be black.
Pic or it didnt happen.
Thank you for the quick response. I didnt spend too long on it, couple hours last night building the BP, comparing and tuning this morning for a couple, and then mothballed it for a bit. Will try playing with the materials I was wondering why it was drawing one dot in the corner but nothing else. Thanks again, but let you know if I run into any othre problems.
Will add some pics of my useful BP pictures I’ve been collecting for our project on our private repo when I have time, been toying with a sonar system that finds the distance (range) and bearing (direction, based off an ‘anchor’ to north or 0 degrees) to a sound of a pawn; would complement the little radar well.