Blueprint Fvector2D(20000, 20000)/2 = 0???

I don’t know why, another unreal bug, I can’t reproduct in my test project but the print value is 20000/2=0 lol

Ok, I can reproduce this bug now, because of the auto type converting, zero returned after division, you can reproduct this bug as following:

  1. create a unreal project using UE5.2.
  2. create a blueprint and type in the following codes in your begin play.
  3. drag it into level and play, check the print string values.

This happen because most likely, a vector is being divided by 0 so it return everything zero. (check your output log, it will show a warning division by zero)

The first one is just adding a z value 0.0
The 2nd is missing the z axis so it diving by zero by default, same for the 3rd method where z=0.