I just ran into a little showstopper:
I declared a function in a BP function library that use an array filled with some constants to do its thing.
This array is declared as a local variable inside the function.
I fill the array with the data and use the function in my actor blueprints.
So far, so good. -Until I restart the editor. The array in the function now lost all its entries, thus things go south.
It would be great if variables in function declaration would retain their defaults over editor restarts.
Repro steps:
Create a BP function library
Create a function within the library
Create a struct with some members of some type
Add a local variable of the struct type to the function
Make the variable an array
Add a couple of entries to the array
Save everything
Close and restart the editor
Observe that the array now only has 1 item, populated with the arry type’s default values
Thanks for looking into this