Blueprint fog plane problem


shortly, I downloaded the “Blueprint” project from the learn section of the launcher since I need fog sheets for my level. Using the project’s material, material functions and blueprints as references I created all the assets in my own project. It took a couple hours to do everything, and all I did works fine but the blueprint doesn’t. Basically, even if I change my actor properties and values there is no effect nor changes. I have no Idea about what I’m doing wrong since my blueprint and the original blueprint in the “Blueprint” project are literally identical (mine are less confused).

Here you can see screenshots of my Constructor Script:

(I’m not sure if you can see the images or if you have to press on the link to see them).

So, I have no idea about what I'm doing wrong since I basically made the blueprint again (with all variables, values, etc). Also only some properties can't be edited (they have no effects), for example I can edit the Scale, PanningSpeed, FadeDistance, but I can't edit properties like Color, brightness, etc. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong at all, so any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Den.

Just making sure since there is no single word about the material, your parameters in the material are also spelled correct and the material is applied to the fog billboard?

I found out what’s the problem: I’m an idiot. Parameters names in the material were completely different from the names I gave them in the blueprint. I’m pretty new to blueprint and that’s a pretty stupid mistake, but doing mistakes is a good way to learn I suppose. Thanks a lot for your reply!