Here’s an interesting issue. For some reason, my 5s delay node sometimes does not execute anything after it. Through some testing, I was able to figure out that the issue is only present when the 3s delay node above is not active. Everything seems to run until after the 5s delay node.
What is the function/event “Timer” and how do you know it doesn’t execute past the 5s delay? Maybe it executes and “Timer” just doesn’t do anything you notice because you are messing with a lot of collision/gravity/input/visibility settings so it could be that one of those settings is preventing the “Timer” from actually doing its thing. Print a string after the “Timer” event and see if it prints.
Actually, I didn’t show that part up yeah, I do have a Print String Debug there. It will run if I remove that delay or if the first delay is running. I’m using the second delay node to wait 5 seconds before re-enabling player movement.
So I found out the issue it seems like the “Set Actor Enable Collision” node. Don’t know exactly why but the code run as intended when I remove this node