Blueprint Execution Flow Not Showing?

I’m not sure if I’ve pressed a button to toggle it off or what but the visual debugging stuff that shows the flow of the execution of the Blueprint doesn’t seem to be showing anymore. I’ve even created a new project and that still doesn’t seem to fix the problem.

The only thing I can think of that might have broken something is I clicked the open parent class button in the top right of the Blueprint editing window. Only reason I think this may have messed something up is because it didn’t open any up after clicking and shortly after that I’m pretty sure the flow stuff stopped showing up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hi ToastBomb,

Does the ‘DebugFilter’ in the blueprint editor toolbar show anything? If not, you can use it to pick a placed instance in the world to debug, or once you’ve hit Simulate or Play, pick a dynamically spawned instance.

From then on, you’ll see the execution wire highlighting/etc… for that instance of your blueprint.

Michael Noland


That did the trick!

Thank you! :smiley:

Where is the “DebugFilter” or specifically the Blueprint Editor Toolbar? I looked in the view “filters” in the blueprint viewport tab. I also looked in the Window dropdown menu in the developer tools. How do I show the execution path of somehting spawned in the level? I was pretty sure I saw it at some point, suddenly it stopped showing.

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I think they are referring to this…

There must be other reasons the “flow execution” debug visuals stop working. I have issues with this and it doesn’t relate to the filter. I have even used a "Reference to self → get display name → Equals Exactly (To a name I type in)-> IF True branch - print string and I SEE the string print to screen (see image), so I know its executing in the graph on that specific actor, and I have the proper debug actor selected in the filter and see nothing visually, no matter selecting before or during runtime.

I’ve noticed the visuals get weird when the blueprint gets big, even if I have lots of sections collapsed to reduce how intense it is to display. Not sure what’s going on but the exec flow will not light up all the time even when I know it is passing executions…