Blueprint Example collision bug?

Not so much a question as it is a potential collision bug. I noticed that in the Blueprint example that can be downloaded from the Samples section of Rocket, if you walk along the railing on the opposite side of the level from the security computer room (So if facing the wall farthest in the Positive X axis of the world, the railing to the right that is lined up with the security camera in the corner) and push against it while walking, it has a tendency to throw you randomly up in the air, or even out of the windows and to the outside of the map.

I checked the collisions in the map and everything looked fine. Could this be a potential bug with collisions on the railing? Just thought I should point this out in case it could be a potential issue with how collision is calculated.

Thanks for bringing this up. I have a bug assigned to me to look at this already, so hopefully it will get fixed soon!