Blueprint "event begin play" called before C++ parent's "event begin play"?

I like the 3rd option but I cannot see overridable equivalent, event or function on blueprint side. But I can imagine having BlueprintImplementable init function I could then invoke e.g. from PostInitializeComponents to keep it clean and organized.

The 2nd option (moving Super::BeginPlay at the end) might not be a good idea in my opinion. Technically speaking, I believe the parent class should not assume about implementation details in class that will inherit from it. Super::BeginPlay at the end may already change the state of the parent in a way the parent is not expecting.

I’ll try out PostInitializeComponents - thanks for pointing that out.

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IIRC this is exactly what I’ve done.

I believe I had the same issue and made an example for it:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/PlayerController.h"
#include "test_pc.generated.h"

class MY_GAME_API Atest_pc : public APlayerController {

    void my_log_to_screen(const char* msg) {
        if (GEngine) {
            GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 20.f, FColor::White, msg);
	virtual void BeginPlay() override {
		my_log_to_screen("BeginPlay call started");
		my_log_to_screen("Super of BeginPlay finished");
		if (IsLocalPlayerController()) {
			OnPossessedPawnChanged.AddDynamic(this, &Atest_pc::process_pawn_change);
		    my_log_to_screen("Bind finished");

	void process_pawn_change(APawn* old_pawn, APawn* new_pawn) {
		my_log_to_screen("Process pawn change called");



From the output it seems like execution order is reversed.

Adding a delay:

Or in the C++ class moving the Super::BeginPlay() at the end of the BeginPlay() function solves the order issue:

But as a software engineer this looks terribly wrong. Using another function other than BeginPlay() feels like a workaround for a bug in BeginPlay (same for moving it the Super::BeginPlay() to the end), as BeginPlay is widely used in tutorials (including Epic’s) and also in generated c++ classes.
This looks like a bug to me.