Blueprint Even/Script do not work on dedicated server?

Hi all i was not sure about to post in the other topic i use or to make a new one.
But ended up with a new one as its a new problem :slight_smile:

I have this script on a Standing Torch turning it on/off at day and night.
It works fine when i test it in single player, but do not work on any dedicated server.

I can see its a common problem others have had. But as im not a pro in the scripting i have not found a solution to it by searching the forum.
So hope someone know way and how to fix it and can make a good explanation to how?

Hope someone can help fast as the mod is live on steam :S


Have you had a look at the GigaRageBuff, in the content browser just search for “Buff” and it will be in the list. Look at it’s code, It has a call for:
Is Server (if yes manipulate stats and counter)
Is Dedicated (now I think it’s true clause is absent, but if it’s false (not server, and not dedicated server) render particle effects (since it would be clientside))

you might be able to tack on the is dedicated and have the true clause lead to the start of your main code

Event Fires:
Yes, start code
No, IsDedicated:
Yes, start code
No, nothing.

Not sure if that will help or is the solution as I have not released my own mod publicly as it needs balance changes yet, and it’s always single-player Hosted (not dedicated) when I run it.

Hi Hugo :slight_smile: Will try and look at the GigaRageBuff and see if it can help.

But from what i can read on the forum it has something to do with that i need to set a replicate to “Run on Server”?? or something like that. :S

Sounds like a plan, if you figure it out, I’d be interested in the solution (if it is just a replication setting)

(just a replication setting) :smiley: then tell me haha.
But hope i can get one to show me how it works and maybe post in in here.

@Hugo the Dwarf Ok did some testing and tried to use the script from the Giga Buff. And it did not do anything.

I also tried to put in a print to script that print a text work 1 work 2 ets. and it works when testing but not on the live server. its like no scrip is runed at all?

Really hope someone can help with with way it do not work on the server but in the test room?

No one have an idee to way the script do not work on the hostet dedicated servers? :confused:

I may be having a similar issue as you, I’m going to see if I can run some tests to confirm it.
What my Code does:[spoiler]So my Item on every tick checks the player’s inventory for damaged items, if it’s damaged it will add some repair to it, doing this 1 item per loop until it’s fully fixed then moves on to another item. That works, everyone on the server has their items repaired :cool:

Next if there is nothing to fix, it will go through all the items looking for ammo types to increase the stacks sizes for, this also works fine :cool:

What only seems to work for me (I am the host) is that when all things are fixed, and stacks are loaded, the items will look for Apex drops and decrease the stack size to upgrade itself so it works better for repairing, and number of items to fix at once. - This is working only for me apparently, so I have to take everyone’s item, and do the upgrade process for them. This is why I mention Similar[/spoiler]

My test is to run my server as a dedicated rather than Me hosting my single play and see if my item works at all. Hopefully if my issue is the same, I hope I can resolve it (unless you beat me to it :D)

Ohh if you have the problem or fint out way plz. let me know. Im almost getting mad over i can’t get it fixed :S

Ok so i found out what the problem is but not sure how to fix it.

The script works first time you place the item and stay near it. then the scrip runs and keep running.
But the moment you leave it and go away from it, out of view distance. All scripts stops working and never turns back on again…
So what to do and how to fix it? Anyone?