Blueprint errors when packaging my project

I keep getting this error when I try to package my project.
I tried re-compiling the blueprints but no use,
I am using ue5.1

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Buttons\WB_ChapterButton.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Buttons/WB_ChapterButton.WB_ChapterButton
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Buttons\WB_HomeButton.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Buttons/WB_HomeButton.WB_HomeButton
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Buttons\WB_HomeButton_Small.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Buttons/WB_HomeButton_Small.WB_HomeButton_Small
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Options\WB_Options_Audio.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Options/WB_Options_Audio.WB_Options_Audio
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Options\WB_Options_Controls.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Options/WB_Options_Controls.WB_Options_Controls
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Options\WB_Options_Credits.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Options/WB_Options_Credits.WB_Options_Credits
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Options\WB_Options_Gameplay.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Options/WB_Options_Gameplay.WB_Options_Gameplay
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Options\WB_Options_KeyRebinding.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Options/WB_Options_KeyRebinding.WB_Options_KeyRebinding
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Options\WB_Options_Video.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Options/WB_Options_Video.WB_Options_Video
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\throw\Downloads\EAL\EasternIcelandLandscape\Content\ProMainMenu\Widgets\Misc\WB_PatchNotes.uasset: [Compiler] Event of type Delegate (by ref) doesn’t match the property Event of type DelegateProperty from Source: /Game/ProMainMenu/Widgets/Misc/WB_PatchNotes.WB_PatchNotes

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Hi. Did you find solution? I have this same problem

ditto … anybody have any luck with tracking this down?
The shows up for me during upgrading from UE 5.0 to UE5.1.1

Hi. I have the same problem in my project after upgrading from UE5.0.3 to UE5.1.1

The same error shows up in my BP on every time startup the editor.
There is actually no errors in my BP. It shows up Delegate mismatch, click the compile button in the BP resolve the error. But Save, Close the editor, and Restart the editor the errors still shows up.

Repro steps:
1, Start the editor
2, Run PIE, Delegate mismatch error shows up
3, Open the listed error BPs, click compile, error resolved,
4, Run PIE, check it’s running correctly.
5, Save the BP
6, Close Editor
7, Open Editor
8, Run PIE, Delegate mismatch error shows up again.

I’ve try to rename the Delegate variable name, function names, structure names, refresh all the nodes, none of them solve the problem.

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I have the same error as you describe

Was there a solution to this? I have also the same issue

Greetings @GAMER_MANISH1

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! I saw others asking this same question in the thread. If you’re experiencing this error, I’d recommend starting by trying the solutions provided from this post. (These users were experiencing this same issue) I hope that this is of assistance!

The Bug is still persistent in 5.2

Has anyone found a workaround?

Also the Post linked by Frosty is about another problem.