Blueprint error on my platform waypoint system

Hi, I am creating a platform obstacle in Unreal Engine 5. There will be a full video linked to this post where you can see this in action.

This is a platform that can move to waypoints. Each instance of the actor lets you choose a static mesh, its material instance, and a set of waypoints from the level.

When I simulate or play my game, the platform moves to the first waypoint just fine. Then, it breaks and gets worse; The trajectory is all wrong.

I also get errors when the platform reaches the third waypoint.

Please take a look at the full video, where I lead you through the setup, the simulation and the errors.

I would love to know what I am doing wrong, and what I can do/learn to fix my error. If my presentation of the problem can be improved, or if I need to post anything else, please let me know! I am new to Unreal Engine and posting problems in general.

Video is unlisted here:

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read and contribute :slight_smile:

Edit: I have added blueprint screenshots in replies

This is the platform event graph

This is the platform construction script

This is the function used to get the relative transform from the platforms current location and the desired waypoint.

This is the function to get the desired waypoint.

I am not really sure what you are doing. But if it helps, I can show you a simple way I accomplished the same thing. I used an array to store the nav points and I just indexed through the array until I reached the end then I restarted the process to the beginning.
the process over.
Note: you may want to replace the delay with a timer.
Note: I added a “nav mesh bound volume” to the scene to use AI.