Blueprint Elevator - Multiple Floors Help?!

I recently watched a tutorial on how to make a basic copy/ paste elevator but the tutorial never mentioned how to add in operations for multiple floors.

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to add to or modify what I have already so that I can make it work with multiple floors.

This is my blueprint as is:


You could make a counter variable that adds/subtracts 1 each time the timeline is being run.

Then when it is done moving, make a branch that checks if you are on the wanted floor, and if so, run the timeline again. This should come across as a smooth flow between the two desires floors.

I am not entirely understanding what you mean.

Is there any chance you could show me an example?

Something like this, where you set the target floor before running the method. This should run until you are at the desired floor.

What a shame no one EVER GOES THE EXTRA MILE HERE to help someone actually get something working!

the article i am looking for. Your article gives me another approach to the subject. I hope to read more articles from you.
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