Hello everyone, I’m kinda new to UE4 and now i’m working on a simple interior scene. To make movement in the room slow and precise I created a new game mode with lower parameter of moving speed. Than I wanted to make interactive changeble materials and started with creating a small blueprint, where you get a message every time you approach an object. The problem is that this blueprint doesn’t work in the new game mode, while it works well in the original “base” game mode… Stuck on this problem. maybe someone know, where I did wrong? Thank you in advance!
We will need some information regarding the Game Mode and your Blueprint.
There are a few things I need to know:
- Is the moving speed working like you want it?
- Is an instance of your NewBlueprint1 present when playing?
- Is the overlap event triggered if you approach it?
as to the game mode, it is just same game mode, but with the new player controller, for adjusting the moving speed in play mode
Hope I’m understanding it right, so:
- Yes, in the NewGamdMode
- In the NewGameMode the model is visible, text is always visible and doesn’t switch when i’m approaching it (it does in the GameMode though)
- It works in GameMode, but not in NewGameMode…
What are the exact changes you do in NewGameMode and NewPlayerController? If you don’t mind uploading your project (it seems not too big, does it?) I can try and resolve it by myself and then tell you the solution.
Here’s the project: DropMeFiles – free one-click file sharing service The room can be found on the level “Room_1” in Content root folder. Thank you for helping!
I will have a look into it
I could track down what is causing this behaviour.
The problem is that in your NewGameMode you use your NewBlueprint as Pawn. This pawn derives from Spectator Pawn and Collision is set to only Block WorldStatic objects. The NewBlueprint1 object which is surrounding your sofa has set its collision object type to WorldDynamic. So the pawn won’t overlap with the NewBlueprint1 and so no text toggle!
To make this work either change the Collision object type of NewBlueprint1’s CollisionComponent to WorldStatic, or make your NewBlueprint (Pawn) Overlap or Block WorldDynamic objects.
By the way, I suggest to choose better names for your Blueprints, since it was hard to find out which blueprint is of what type and what it does (e.g. MyNewPawn instead of NewBlueprint).
I hope this will resolve your problem.
Thank you so much! I changed CollisionComponent type to WorldStatic and now it works super fine! And yeah, sorry for bad naming