Blueprint doesn't recieve only certain input

Hi! Wish anyone can help me =(

So, i made this car blueprint starting from the legacy Sedan_BP in unreal 4.26.
After a project conversion to ue5 and several edits, i now have the same blueprint but based on ue5 SportCar_BP.

I have all my inputs working fine on it, but the UP and DOWN buttons of my D-Pad.
I’m already using D-Pad left and right without any problem, but even firing a simple print with up and down seams not to work.

The strange aspect of this is that they seams to not work ONLY in that blueprint. My character use them with no problem, so my gamepad is ok. I tried to make brand new InputActions but nothing changed, so is not a “consume input” issue.

I can’t figure out why, but those two buttons are not working only in that BP. It could be a bug from the project conversion? There’s a way i can fix this without creating a whole new Blueprint? I’m already tired by all the work i had to do for adapting my old car to this totally-new-but-practically-the-same sportcar they made.

did you set Auto Possess Player/Auto Receive Input to Player 0 in the BP your input isn’t working?



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Hi there, thanks for replying.

Unreal 5 have a new input system that connects the consume input functions of your controller and your pawn. I had those two inputs setted up in the controller ages ago with consume input enabled and so they didn’t work on the pawn. Disable that did the job.