Hi! I am new here, so sorry if i am in the wrong place.
I have a BP of weapon, witch is attached to he player. my weapon supost to “show” a second mesh in specific parts of the attack animation.
So i created an anim.notifier witch activate the node “cast sword yoshio” in the weapon.
The weird thing is. This works completly fine in all my levels except in my main level.
i realy do not know whats is happenign, i tried to fire the node in all methods, with keyboard event, direcly in character BP, an none is working.
I put the Print string at the end of the node and here he worst part, it prints just fine, looks like the node have fired, all the way to the end, but every single node is ignore except que print string.
Also i tried different nodes like play sound and is woks aswell…
Pleaaase im creshing my head with this. if anyone can help me i will be verry greatfull.
Does your main level have the actor “BP Katana Lord”?
Check if sword to cast is valid
Put a break point on the cast sword function (F9) and step through it node by node to see where the function fails to trigger.
You really should not be calling get all actors of class on a function per notify (it is slow)
Either move the notify observation to the character or at least cache the character to a variable at begin play and use that variable in the notify function.
One recomendation, get actor of class is better than get all actors of class(very cpu heavy) also, if the main world is larger than other levels, try adjusting the spawn scale
Yes the actor BP_Takana_Lord is spawned when the player equip the weapon.
you say use “is valid” node right after the get a copy?
The cast sword looks working fine, because the print string shows up.
I tired do move all the logic of the sword do the main character and then ai used an event from a BP interface to trigger it. it does not work as well.
UPDTADE: I tried to spawn an emitter in the weapon BP manualy and it also does not trigger. like, I used keyboard event to trigger and is also does not.
Yes add the is valid check after the get 0.
Check that specific level blueprint if there is some logic that may be interfering with your character.
Also check the world settings for that specific map. Perhaps you have accidentally overridden a parameter in the game mode on that specific map.