Blueprint details panel is showing all child components

When selecting the root component in the Blueprint Editor, the details panel shows every child components properties.

Component view with selected root:

Details panel:

Every child components properties for ‘Component Tick’ is included in this view, even when ‘Show Child On Category Match’ is not set.

This adds a lot of clutter when trying to configure properties on the blueprints class.

that’s not really your root component. In this case, your CapsuleComponent is the the root. You’re clicking on the actor itself and it’s showing you all the components that are attached to the actor.

If you want just the actor properties, you can click “Class Defaults” at the top

Thanks for your reply. You’re right about it not being the root component.

However, clicking on ‘Class Defaults’ results in the exact same details panel.
With all properties of attached components.
(See image below)

Class Defaults it’s similar to clicking on the actor itself. That’s why the results are exactly the same.

I’m not sure what you want to but to reduce those Details, you must click in single one component (displaying only the details from that clicked component).

Actually, I want to see the properties of the class only (and not those of all the components on the class).

I really think it used to be like that, because I can’t remember I had to scroll that much to look for some properties.

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Anyone found out how to disable this?

Apparently, if you add a component from C++ with any of the visible specifiers, like VisibleDefaultsOnly, it will show all of that component’s properties within that actor’s details panel.

Changing these components to use EditDefaultsOnly fixed this.

	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category="VRPawn")
	TObjectPtr<ULaserPointerInteractorComponent> RightLaserPointer;