Blueprint Detail panel, how to filter ?


Since UE5.X (can’t remember), the Details panel view changed. When you click on the Actor on the component list :


All the components children property is added on the list. It make it really hard to see/modify when you have a lot of components. The idea is i would like only property of the actor, and not property of his components, unfortunately, i can’t found any option, even in the filter :


the class defaults has its own tab in the main toolbar


Yes, absolutely but this is not the question.
Maybe my post was unclear ?


the Show Sections might be the closest thing you’ll get.

The quick way to filter my own content is using Categories/Subcategories. I start with general namespace for my project always, then break into further categories.

For example:

“MyProject | Config | Movement | MaxRunSpeed”

“MyProject | State | Movement | CurrentSpeed”

then when you type in the search bar you can easily filter your own content.