Blueprint Detail Customization

Hi all,

I’m trying to create a blueprint editor only detail customization.

This is already done in FBlueprintDetails (BlueprintDetailsCustomization.h) however I’m having a hard time creating my own.

I have a component whose details I wish to customize. I wish to create a similar layout as the Events category that can be seen for components i.e. The delegate name followed by a green button with a + or View on it.

While I can create all of this using the standard details customization method, I want to be able to get hold of the blueprint that is being edited and add things to it, again similarly to the way the green buttons described work.

If you take a look at FBlueprintDetails::AddEventsCategory you’ll see this mechanism at work. You’ll notice they first thing it does is grab UBlueprint* BlueprintObj = GetBlueprintObj(); It then goes on to create a bunch of buttons whose OnClicked is linked to

The big difference here compared to the standard IDetailCustomization, is that FBlueprintDetails (which inherits from IDetailCustomization) is constructed in SKismetInspector.cpp and have the relevant blueprint passed into MakeInstance();

So how do I go about making a details customization that is blueprint editor specific and able to get hold of the blueprint object which is currently being edited?

I hope that all makes sense,


Did you ever solve this?