Blueprint debugger showing multiples that dont exist.

Hey there, I just noticed I have 3 versions of all my blueprints on runtime?

Anyone have any ideas why?

0- blueprint is using a widget switcher as kind of a master blueprint for the rest.

It doesn’t seem to loop. When the masterbp is created, the rest are in the widget switcher and get loaded with it.

If anyone has any ideas, I’m super confused on where to even start with it.


Update: The dupe blueprints have the tags: [unknown] (Class: [unknown]) where there’d usually be buttons, So the blueprints are dead weight. If I place an event construct with a print, it only fires once. So the dupes aren’t even firing constructs.

Maybe it’s just how the debugger organises?

if its multiplayer, begin play runs on server and client so could be getting duplicates. for widgets i put IsLocalPlayerController check before spawning

Thanks for the reply, but Nahh its not multiplayer.

I haven’t been able to find anything online about it. Bizarre.

what is this called on then? ie pawn, controller etc?

They are just widgets.

On runtime the custom player controller I made, creates the master blueprint widget which holds a widgetswitcher. Inside the widget switcher is the 7 other blueprints that get created along with it.

That way everything is effectively played through a single blueprint and I can easily communicate between every blueprint if needed.

At least That’s what I’m planning.

I just cant seem to work out why triples get made. there isnt any other create widget sources for those blueprints.

Ive checked my level blueprint and some other bits to see If I accidently left anything over.
Using debug breakpoint Only triggers the blueprints once too.

Im now up to 4?! xD whaaat.

I have absolutly no idea how to debug this xD

Update 2:

OK so If I disconnect the event, begin play in the player controller going to create the master widget. 3 still get made. So something is firing somewhere but…where I have no idea. It’s a relatively simple blueprint system, nothing can really hide.

So something is creating widgets without my say so…harrumph.
Did a “get all children” on the widget switcher which was 7 which is correct.

  1. Level blueprint which I checked.
  2. save game blueprints, which I’ve checked.
  3. Game Mode blueprint checked.
  4. Player controller blueprint checked.

you can check the reference viewer on your widget to see if anything else calls them,

also you can put a print string after createwidget with self as an input to see who called it

Im Finally back at it.

I’ve checked for reference viewer (which is a really cool bit of debug tech btw thanks for showing me that), I dont have any actors. or anything in the world. So I used it on the blueprints. It showed me this.

Which looks like it might be a loop, But it’s just referencing itself for certain variables to be able to communicate with widgets that aren’t inside the widgets switcher.

After disconnecting or connecting the references. It doesn’t change the amount made.

Print strings are all returning normal. With normal amounts in each one, For example it says that the 3 dupes made are all filling the same widgetswitcher slot but If you loop the widget switcher slot it only says one.

I did try this in the level blueprint, but it comes back with just 1 when I can see in the debugger there’s 4.

Maybe…they are just empty references?

In fact I swapped my custom player controller and game mode back to default, and created a new level and they still turn up xD.

There’s literally nothing loading. It’s an empty level and there’s only duplicates showing in the blueprint debugger

What the hecks.