I’m not sure if this has been requested before, so my apologies if it has, but I’ve happily used UE4 the past 7-8 months since I became a subscriber.
I am however not a coder, and I don’t have any real experience with C++… and because of that I was drawn to UE because of the visual scripting.
It’s the main reason why I’ve chosen to use your product instead of other engines.
What I don’t understand however is that there is little to no support for SQL databases if you’re using blueprints. You either have to install a plugin called VaREST (which atm is only available for UE 4.3, although I’m sure there are more) or do actual C++ coding, which is obviously not for me or I wouldn’t have made this thread or even become a customer of yours.
Now for me, being able to have a connection with a database is essential for my gameplay, and I’m sure alot of other Blueprint UE users need database connection too and would appreciate it if you guys would add it to the engine.
Please can any member of the staff tell me when SQL connection through Blueprints is going to be made available, because I’m kindof feeling like I’m wasting money as I’m sure you’d understand… I can’t progress until I am able to incorporate a database into my game, and since visual scripting was the main reason I came to UE I sure hope you guys are adding this in soon because I would hate to cancel my subscription… I’ve been a loyal and satisfied customer of UE… but right now it feels as if I’m spending money on a dead end.
I apologize for any spelling mistakes I might have made, english is not my native language.
First of all, do you need this for an online game? Then you wouldn’t want to connect to a database directly from the client since it wouldn’t be secure. So what you need is not a sql connection plugin but a plugin that can communicate with php/other similar layer - VaREST does exactly that.
VaREST is available for 4.6 as far as I know. Even if it was not, if you use “Add code to project” feature you will be able to build it for your version - it doesn’t require coding (if there are no errors, and there were none for me for the last couple of versions, so it’s a nice alternative to waiting for the official update to the plugin). I’m using VaREST + php a lot in MMO Starter kit for things like storing characters’ information in mysql database and haven’t had any problems with it so far.
Ah my bad then, thanks CodeSpartan I’ll look into VaREST again then I suppose.
Still though, having to use a plugin for a core gameplay feature seems a bit odd to me.
Okay so I’m getting the error that VaREST was built using a different version of Unreal Engine so I tried to follow your advise on using Add code to project. Could you explain to me what to do, like I don’t even know what kind of parent class to choose… tells you how much I know about C++ I guess.
Thanks in advance.
Nevermind I got it working, though I firmly believe UE should come with some type of database connection out of the box, be it through php or whatever platform.