Randomly I am getting blueprints that work normally in editor, have no errors and play normally during testing. But once getting out of editor and trying to load editor again later, the editor crashes. There is no sign left in logs of what is causing the crash. Only after guessing the right blueprint and replacing it with back up, the editor load normally again. The broken blueprint wasnt mentioned in logs.
[2017.03.23-13.37.08:659][ 0]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000
[2017.03.23-13.37.08:659][ 0]LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-Core.dll!0x00000000702EB1F7
[2017.03.23-13.37.08:659][ 0]LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!0x000000006FEEEF95
Attached crashlogs, all related to this.
[link text][1]
[1]: 131382-crashlogs.zip (284 KB)