It seems that every time I change the display settings on my pc, say change from one monitor with a different resolution to another, occasionally causes the UI popup windows from the editor to disappear and flicker. It seems to happen at random so I don’t know the best replication method for this issue is, so I hope others in the UE community has also experienced this and has a better wat to replicate this editor bug. You can still select from menus but the visuals are gone. The only way I know how to resolve this editor bug is to completely close out of the editor and reboot it, which can be time consuming when you’re working on many different blueprints at one time.
I hope this can get fixed in a later issue! It is quite annoying having to either guess and memorize where items are in drop downs or reboot the editor entirely. This issue has been persisting even in version 4.24 up to the latest in 5.1.
It sounds like you may be experiencing a bug with the Unreal Engine editor in relation to changes in display settings. As far as I know, the issue could be connected to Windows as well. I have noticed similar issues with other applications, where the screen is in another location.
I am not fully aware if the Unreal Engine team is able to fix this if it stems from the Windows API; that being said, I would recommend you to report this issue in the Unreal Engine’s bug report tool, providing as much detail as possible about your system configuration and steps to reproduce the issue. This way, the developer team can look into the problem and try to find a solution for it.
Additionally, you can also try to look for a workaround for this issue, for example by minimizing the amount of changes to your display settings while you are working in the editor, or by saving your work frequently so that you can quickly reload it if you need to close the editor.
A solution I use is to setup my workspace and save it as a template. If something is messed up you can always go back and select your preset again. I think you can set this in the Window tab.
This will most likely be a low priority bug, however I would still recommend you to report it.
Thanks! I’ve submitted a bug report! I know people at my previous design school also had similar issues hooking up UE4 and UE5 to multiple displays, so I hope this won’t be the first time this bug will be reported.