Hello there! Well, I’m stuck again… On the following issue and I need some help…
Explaining: I have 2 widgets. The first widget has a button that runs an animation on another widget that was loaded over the first one.
The second widget has a button that runs an animation and removes itself from the screen.
To do it, I need a blueprint that makes the communication between widgets.
So, on the first widget, I have this blueprint:
Resuming: I have a bool variable on the first widget that indicates if the menu is open. On the second widget, I have a variable that references the first one and call that bool as a set, trying to say, “Yes, I know what about are you refer!”, and it indicates that the menu is not open anymore.
My question is, why mt way is wrong? If a had variable on one, called on the second by ref var. Where I’m wrong?
Can someone help me? Thank you all!
If you click it 2x per second, it will never go away. You create a brand new widget every click, as fast as you click. This is an ideal scenario for an Event Dispatcher - that’s what they are made for.