Blueprint components don't have collisions?

Why can you not have collisions work on blueprint components?

Example. I added a truck body as a static mesh component and also tried as a skeletal mesh component to the existing vehicle advanced template car but no matter what setting I tweak it seems I can never get the two of them to collide with anything or have accurate collisions together. It’s always one or the other. Bug or stupid mistake?

Hi Halocomander1,

  • What are the collision settings you are using on both the wheels and the vehicle body?
  • What steps are you taking to reproduce this on your end?
  • Does this occur in a clean, blank vehicle template or is this limited to your project/assets?

Hi thanks for getting back to me. I can reproduce it with any vehicle. Currently I’m using the ue4 advanced vehicle template buggy, going into the bp for it and adding either a static or skeletal mesh component to it and in that components mesh details setting it as my truck body that I’ve modeled in blender. On the biggy I have complex as simple vehicle collisions and vice versa on the body. It’s the only way to keep the buggy drivable. If I set the body to complex as simple, only the body’s collision work and the buggy becomes null.

I am in the process of trying to rig up my own vehicle that I modeled in blender, rigged in Maya, and exported to ue4 but now I’m having issues with that even working. I can’t get the phat right on it or something, there’s like an invisible pivot point underneath the vehicle that it is landing on at runtime:/ are there any files or screenshots I can give to you that would help with all of this?

can you send me a copy of the specific asset you are seeing the error with along with specific steps to reproduce this on my end? I’ll be happy to try and repro it to see what may be occurring.

Hi Halocomander1,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes, if you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.
Thats the truck body. An import scale of .2 should be applied.

  1. Open the vehicle advance template.
  2. Go into the VehicleBP and go into the viewport.
  3. Add a static mesh component.
  4. In the static mesh component details menu, make the truck body the visual mesh.

Now… make the advance vehicle buggy drive and collide properly as well as having the truck body collide with world, terrain etc. at the same time.

Can’t be done. i don’t know why.

Try setting the truck body collision complexity within the static mesh editor to “Use Complex Collision as Simple”, I believe your collision on the static mesh is what is causing the error you are seeing, please let me know if this addresses your error.

From a few posts ago…

“On the buggy I have complex as simple vehicle collisions and vice versa on the body. It’s the only way to keep the buggy drivable. If I set the body to complex as simple, only the body’s collision work and the buggy becomes null.”

It will ignore all collisions

Thank you for that update, I missed that portion of the post. When I attempted this on my end setting the complexity that way seemed to resolve any collision issues I was experiencing with the specific truck body. Is there anything else I can try to help reproduce the error you are seeing on your end?

Could you send me a screen shot of your reproduction? I want to see the truck body on buggy while the whole thing is upside down on its roof to see if it’s really colliding with the ground. AND still drivable

I’m a bit confused, the error you are seeing only occurs when the vehicle is upside down?

  • Is the desired result for your situation that the vehicle be driveable or undriveable when upside down?
  • What are the specific steps I can take to reproduce this error you are seeing once I have implemented the truck body?

Im looking to have both the truck body and buggy have working collisions together. When I set the truck body’s physics to complex as simple. The wheels and frame of the car seem to just fall through the ground and it won’t drive anymore, but the truck body’s collision works and it will just sit on the ground on it.

But if the truck body’s collisions are set to simple as complex, the buggy drives fine and all looks good, except that if you flip the buggy upside down you can clearly see that the mesh of the truck body goes right through whatever surface you are driving on. That’s why I wanted you to flip it over. To see if that was happening. I’ll send you a screenshot momentarily

Hi Halocomander1,

I finally was able to see what you meant and did some more digging. It turns out this is a known limitation:

Because the collision of your truck is automated it calculates the objects mass based on the collision, which is what causes the car to sink down into the ground. However, the Complex as Simple collision won’t work either. Try the workaround in the above thread and see if that provides more desirable results.

I read through that thread you gave me and it may work but I’m looking to add different bodies to a chassis dynamically in game. Is there any way to make the second collision box I add only present when the truck body is present through blueprints? & thank you

These collision boxes are added directly to the static mesh so they will only be there when you add the truck body to the blueprint, otherwise the blueprint will act as it does originally. Further, if you have other bodies added to the project, they will have their own collisions based in their static mesh bodies as well.

And what should I set the static meshes of the bodies collisions to? Default, simple as complex or complex as simple?

to anyone who is curious, i have found a way to totally fix this issue. send me a message to learn more.