So this has happened to me twice now, I make a bit of code and it works just fine at first then stops working when I close the editor. I don’t know if this is a issue with this version of the engine but it’s only happened to me on this version of the engine. So any help with this issue would be appreciated. And note this has only happened to me when I am using string variables to set lets say a team name.
If you can, please update to the latest “stable” version of Unreal: 12.5.
If you can’t, we need more information. Please post a screenshot of your implementation.
See if this works.
- Migrate your level to a completely new and clean project.
- Once you get your level and all assets inside the project, Goto Content Browser → Filters → Select all relevant filters (Tick the checkboxes)
- You will see list of all the assets in the content browser. Select all assets → Right Click on them → Click on ‘Save’
- This will save all the assets again.
- Restart the project and check if everything is working.
Hope this helps.
Thanks that worked !
And currently can not update to 12.5 as some of my models will not import, but the issue is resolved now.