Blueprint Climbing System?


How would i be able to create a climbing system to climb buildings and move from on ledge to another and even climb windows, like assassin’s creed?


It’ll take some effort. First, you need to create your objects (ledges etc.) then create a blueprint interface. Call it (BPI_Climbing or BPI_FreeRun), make every ledge and your character use this blueprint interface. When you wish to move between ledges (jump, grab etc.) you use a “Get all actors with interface” and choose BPI_FreeRun, then check if there is a ledge on the direction you’re jumping; if there is you play a translation animation. If you’ve noticed Assassin’ Creed series usually place ledges so that transitions from oone another is easily handled. Uncharted series uses an adaptive format where ledges are not placed according to rules but their animations/transitions are jerky. You’ll have to create or buy some jumping/climbing/traversing animations though.

This thread (very long) is dedicated to this:

Alex has implemented a clibing system and has put it in marketplace:

The first thread is very informative and you will get a lot of ideas and insights about how he implemented his system.

Have a look at the forum posts that mindfane told you. That would be the easiest place to get some help for this.

Sorry if I bothering you…but can you show in a blueprint screenshot? I really want to learn this method of Climb system :slight_smile:

I tried…I even bought the Alex Climb System…but the Logic was too much for me…I can’t understand nothing…and in the Edge Grabbing Forum i get a little ideia…but with i know i can’t do nothing :frowning: