BluePrint Clear Time Missing


i am new to unreal engine i am trying a bluprint for a game i am learning from twin stick shooter series, at this point i marked clear time bar in tutorials its says Clear Timer But when i try to search it only comes clear time by handle and i think this only reason my character weapon is not firing .


I guess there is version mismatch with the UE4 versions in the tutorial and your own.

For a solution look here:

Also, this will not make your weapon fire, it will just enable the weapon to stop firing if you release the button.


i did the same thing as u mentioned it worked for weapon but it’s not working for me in enemy character my hero character dnt die when enemy comes near to him.

someone pls answer me :frowning:

I know this post is a bit old, but on the off chance someone out there runs into this here’s what I did to make it work (version 4.10.4).