Lets create a new blueprint class called AI_Character with function that count number of times hit by projectile, add them to variable and print them on screen. After add two object of this class (instances) to the level and hit first one, shows on screen “1” and then hit second instances shows “2”. So my question is how create let say “independent” variable insiade blueprint class AI_Character that will hold number of hit only for one instance in level for exemple : hit first instance “1” and then hit second instance “1” .
Sorry for my english and thanks in advance.
Blueprint is a class and each instance of it should have separate set of varables, in matter of fact blueprints don’t support static variables like C++. So think there something wrong with your code, can you show it? how do you spawn those objects
Thanks for reply.
So, after your comment I check my blueprints once again, and I found the mistake. I based my new project on old one and by mistake I pass the hit results to one variable in game mode so when it hit it was adding all together. Sorry for bother and thanks for help.