I’ve created a c++ child class of actor component, let’s call it MyActorComponent.
It’s meant to be a base class for many other blueprint classes that I want to use for my actor.
Although, I can’t create blueprint child of MyActorComponent. The editor simply does not allow me to, saying “Cannot create a new blueprint class based on MyActorComponent”. I can create c++ one tho. Am I doing something wrong, or it’s impossible?
For clarity, what I want to do:
ActorComponent → MyActorComponent [C++] → ChildOfMyActorComponent [Blueprint]
By looking at the .h of SceneComponent, I noticed that the constructor had this macro
meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent ...)
Which is what you need for your component to be used in BPs. As confirmed by this page by rama that I found by searching for BlueprintSpawnableComponent .
What does the code of the component look like in the header? It may require certain macros to allow it to be blueprint spawnable (Meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent)).
My header do have this macro tho: UCLASS( ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent) ) And I can use my component in a blueprint, but I want to create a blueprint that is not using, but a blueprint that is based on my custom c++ class (it’s meant to be information-only blueprint if that helps).