Blueprint: Character Animation doesn't play through

Hi guys,

first of: Great work with UE4! I am having a lot of fun with it!

I am trying to build a Sidescroller, where the character is constantly running and has to jump over obstacles. I have placed the components of the world including the character inside a blueprint and i am actually moving the world instead of the character (like in tappy chicken). I start the game with the character animation set to run, so it looks like the character is moving. By clicking the left mouse button, the character will jump (and actually does so), however, the jump animation doesn’t play through correctly. Also, I have used a timeline to do the actual movement of the character in z-space, I don’t know if that is the best solution. (As of now I am relying on the standard dummy animation that comes with UE4).

Here is my blueprint:

Still need help, please! Tried integrate the jump animation bit into the Event Tick trigger, so only one of the animations is fired at one time, it is a little bit better, but the entire animation only plays every once in a while.

ok first off this is sort of the hardway to do it.

I recommend the third person tutorial here which shows how to setup animation and states it pretty easy and then from their if you need help I think I can get your special animation setup.

heres the link Third Person tutorial it covers a lot of ground but you can skip over a video if you don’t need the information

Thanks, I have watched the tutorials already and realized that I kinda took a strange approach to things. I am assuming you are referring to blend spaces and such…

Since my entire game (which is very simple) is happening within a blueprint and its components, I cannot use blend spaces and AnimBP (please correct me if I’m wrong). That also leaves me with no correct collision detection on the skeletal mesh, which is another problem entirely. I use a capsule as workaround but it is pretty inaccurate.

So I guess I’ll try to detach the character from the main blueprint and control his actions separately and with blend spaces, is that it?

Well theres I think 12 parts to that series you should probably try to watch them all if youre really new to this as it setups everything and give good examples on workflow to do a blueprint player either in third person or first.

DJMidKnight, I watched nearly ALL the movies of the YouTube channel, that’s how I realized I was doing the setup in a cumbersome way. My actual question was can I fix the animation in the way I set up the project. I guess the answer is no, then.

We can set the threat to resolved.

However, this generates a new question, that I have posted here: