Blueprint can't inherit other blueprint. What should I do?


I enjoy programming with Blueprint and have a new question. Blueprint can’t inherit other blueprint? I created MyPawn BP and implemented some functions with some variables for AI. I planned to create some sub-class inheriting this BP, but it’s impossible. I’d like to share the features of the BP with function definition and property definition. BP interface can’t do that, right? Can I have alternative solution?


Hey Kazuhisa,

Actually you can inherit from another blueprint. It is a feature that exists but hasn’t been turned on yet but once it is good will be turned on. For right now you can turn it on by going to config/BaseEngine.ini then find the line:

change false to true, save and restart the editor. You should be able to right click and and select ‘Create Blueprint based on this’

Keep in mind this is a work in progress and is not intended for common use yet.

Best Regards,


AllowDerivedBlueprints will be on by default in beta 4.

Michael Noland

Thank you for the answer! Awesome!
I’m going to try it.

Is this working yet?

Yep you can right click a existing blueprint and inherit from it :slight_smile: ‘Create blueprint based on this’.

So is this like true class inheritance or more like copy and paste?

It is true inheritance. Blueprints compile down to a uclass so changes made in the parent will be reflected in the children when you recompile.

Oooh. I like the sound of that.