Blueprint/C++ Advanced Templates , Tools & Plugins

I did that and it didn’t work for me. I deleted the folder went back to the zip and did a fresh extraction from it, then immediately went to the uproject file and tried to generate the visual studio files with the same result :frowning: . However, I managed to grab a copy of a working project folder from KitatusStudios’s website that seems to work :). By the way, great job on the C++ code, this looks and preforms better than I expected!

I do have one question about the code, what I’m trying to do is recreate MC Escher’s lithograph “Relativity” in unreal with hopefully your gravity plugin. Would it be possible to have three different characters use the code as the player cycles between them? (only one character would be active at a time) And/or is it possible to alter the plugin without going into the C++ code itself? (I don’t think that it is but I thought that I’d ask)

Custom Gravity Project Updated :
Some bugs fixed!

Added a new Map ( GravityDash_Map) : like gravity rush game mechanic

do not leave it

Are you going to make it for 4.10? :smiley:

Thanks ! Will try to update it from time to time

I will soon , just right now I’m a litle busy with mobile templates

Updated :

Added 4.10 version

Very nice work, dude! that awesome.


First of all, thank you for the awesome, awesome work on this plugin! I’m using it as part of a college project I’m working on.

Now for a question: I want to use the third person character with the camera attached to my char’s head (“true first person” style). However, since the third person is based on the custom pawn, I can’t change the camera’s attachment. How would I go about fixing this? I should mention that I know absolutely nothing about C++.

Attaching the camera to the head will cause many issues. You can try something like this :

how use in my project?

Thanks for the answer! I was already using a similar setup, but I really wanted that bone attachment for the slightly floaty feel that it gives. Oh well, this will have to do for now.

A simple way is to copy your project “Content” folder inside Custom Gravity “Content” folder

in the sphere planet level how can i change the shape of the planet in a cube?

The download link on Gumroad is super slow :3

just tested it , min speed was 700 kb/sec

Weird, my Download Speed is 5000 kb/sec, but on Chrome and Edge I would need 10 hours to download it, german bottleneck? :smiley:

Amazing plugin, keep it up! So say I wanted to push a button and have the character’s gravity switched, how can I do that? I for the life of me cannot find the blueprint to apply to other objects to do this. Also, if my first question is possible, is there just a blueprint I can add to say a projectile I just shot that would switch with the player? I am kinda confused, any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Hey, I downloaded this and it’s great, I just noticed a little problem. The gravity dash pawn only jumps in upward vector in whatever surface he is standing on. He only jumps up, and not forward or sideways. Maybe it’s just me. Anyways great job!