Blueprint Broadcasting Message Between Blueprints

Is it possible to get a variable via this. Specifically a Boolean.

I’m really sorry that tI need this much help. But for some reason it’s not working. This is what it looks like.

I think I may be missing it. Where do I put it in?

How do I get the variable form that? My code looks like this :

I realize that I have been asking the wrong question. Is there a way to in one blueprint, tell the player controller blueprint to change the active camera.

From this, it says to put a reference to a camera in the level in. How do I do this?

For some reason, it’s still not working. This is a photo of me trying to add the reference:

I tried this with both a Camera Actor, a regular Actor, and just a camera I placed in the world.

But the blueprint that controls the GameOver boolean can’t control the camera.

How do you call a function on your player from a different blueprint? I found that I could do it if I made a cast to player character but it required a target and everything either didn’t connect or gave a warning that the cast would always fail.

The target needs to be a reference to the object you want to call the function on.
Casting makes a reference more precise if it was held in a parent class type variable.