Blueprint BeginPlay gets called before C++ parent BeginPlay


First of all, I realize a duplicate post actually exists, but it has no answers that satisfy me and it dates back to 2014, therefore I am posting this question.

The BeginPlay event gets called in an odd fashion. The Blueprint’s BeginPlay actually gets called before the C++
parent’s BeginPlay, which is not what you would expect from an OOP point of view. The constructors are called in the expected order.

How to reproduce:

  1. Create blank C++ project.

  2. Create C++ class called A.

  3. Create C++ class called B that derives from A.

  4. Create BP class called C that derives from B.

  5. Properly generate implementations for the BeginPlay functions for each C++ class, and add a call to Super::BeginPlay at the start of each BeginPlay.

  6. After the Super::BeginPlay calls, add a UE_LOG message or OnScreenDebugMessage to see the order of execution for BeginPlays.

  7. Also add a UE_LOG message or OnScreenDebugMessage in the constructor of each of these classes to see the order of execution for constructors.


Constructors will be called in this order: A, B, C

This is the expected result as the parent gets called first.

BeginPlay’s will be called in this order: C, A, B

This is not the expected result as the child gets called first, but then the rest are executed from parent to child. If we put the print messages before Super::BeginPlay calls, we get: B, A, C

No matter how we place the Super calls, we can never get A, B, C as the order of execution.

Why is this important?

Currently, it is impossible for us to make C properly override values from B and set them in BeginPlay. For example, imagine that class A sets the max walk speed of CharacterMovementComponent to 600 in BeginPlay. We can let B override that and set max walk speed to 300 in BeginPlay. But now, C can never override B or A. Is this intended behavior, and how can be overcome this issue?

Thank you.


Yes, that is the thread I’m talking about in the first sentence.

It’s a very interesting behaviour which I never noticed since I don’t usually set values BeginPlay or anything else where this type of behaviour could mess things up.

One way to solve this issue is to call the BP logic (the child C) in the next frame. To do that, just add a delay of 0.0:

Now, the logging will be in the right order: A->B->C.


Yes, I’m seeing the same behavior. Can’t believe this kind of hack is needed.